Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ethical Lapses

I am not surprised to know that ethical lapses are a major cause of distractions at work. There are always new cases of a company acting unethically, and it is unfair to the other workers who are just trying to do their jobs. My accounting class talks about ethics often, and my teacher said that ethics is doing the right thing when no one is watching. I agree with this definition and if everyone acted ethically the world would be a better place, however this will never happen.

I hope that when I get a job I will not be in a distracting environment where there are ethical lapses. The worker is always placed in the sticky situation of whether or not to be a whistleblower and bring unethical behavior to the attention of others. The numbers suggest that at some point I will encounter this, and I am not looking forward to making that tough decision.

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