Sunday, February 24, 2008


I just watched the movie Balls of Fury, thinking that it would be a stupid but funny movie. The main point that I would like to get across is do not see this movie. Don't even waste your money renting it as I did. I have no idea why Christopher Walken agreed to be in the movie. I just have the feeling right now that I have wasted an hour and a half of my life that I could have been doing something more productive such as counting the blades of grass in front of my apartment.

But at least it was something to do because I need to waste as much time as I can. I will not sleep through the night if I go to bed any time soon. This is because I slept for much of the day because I was in Athens last night for my fraternity's formal and did not get much sleep. Formal was so much fun because all of my friends were there and everyone had a great time. So today has been a lazy Sunday and I have enjoyed it. Tomorrow is back to the grind of school and studying for a test I have on Thursday.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cover Letters

The first article I read was "The Reality of Cover Letters" and I could not agree more with what it says. I sent my resume/cover letter to countless companies with no response. This article addresses the reality that this does absolutely nothing other than "generate rejection letters" and that college recruiting programs are the way that entry-level candidates are hired. I found this out the hard way.
The sample cover letter is not a very good one in my opinion. It does not follow the advice of the other articles to talk about the company you are applying to.
Because I have already written so many cover letters, this article was helpful because it stressed following up after sending them instead of waiting for a reply.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


This blog topic is especially helpful to me because I have an interview scheduled with Suntrust on Tuesday and possibly a phone interview with Bank of America on Wednesday (I was accepted to interview but they dropped me because they let too many people sign up). I am a little nervous for these interviews and I was actually looking at websites for tips before I looked at this weeks blog entry topic. Two of the articles that I believe will be especially helpful to me and that I will write about are, "Phone Interviews: Tips to Get Called Back" and "Six Common Job-Interview Questions."

The first article about Phone Interviews was very helpful. It stated the obvious about not being in a room with distractions, but I like the idea of dressing professionally for the interview even though they can't see you. I definitely think wearing a suit will help me sound more confident and professional on the phone. I also like the idea of smiling and standing up. I feel that this will also come across through the phone as increased confidence. I am skeptical about closing my eyes while listening during the interview however. I do agree that practice makes perfect and I should practice with a friend before the interview.

The second article about the common interview questions was decent. I liked the tip to include"how you have improved, and specifics on what you have done to improve yourself in those areas" when asked about your weaknesses. The tips for the other questions all basically say to provide specific examples in your past to explain the answer. I totally agree but I wish more detailed and insightful information was given.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

MLK letter compare and contrast

MLK's letter from Birmingham Jail is an excellent example of using ethos, logos, and pathos to get a point across. In the article "Best and Worst Places to Buy a House" found at, the author talks about how in some areas the housing prices are going down but the demand is still high, and it is a good decision to buy a home. The author uses a lot of logos in order to get their point across such as providing the crime rate and other specific statistics. Pathos is used to get the reader to understand the severity of the situation and how it affects them specifically. Ethos is established when the author states, "Whether you're an investor like me or you're looking to purchase that next move up." This tries to get the reader to understand where the author is coming from and to listen to their point of view. I think this article should be viewed by an educated individual but should not be taken as the absolute truth because much of it is highly opinionated.